New awards for 2023
Job satisfaction and intent to stay in neonatal nursing: an exploration of staff in England and Wales.
Dr Kathy Chant, University College London
The aim of the study is to explore job satisfaction and intent to stay in neonatal nursing across England and Wales. The study will generate evidence to support initiatives to address neonatal nursing workforce shortages both at local and national level in England and Wales. Generating this knowledge is vital if we are to understand the best ways to address workforce shortages and deliver safe and effective care to our vulnerable patients.
Addressing the retention of home visiting community nurses in England: a mixed methods study of strategies, impact, and outcomes
Professor Vari Drennan, Kingston University
The research aims to identify strategies for successful retention of nurses in NHS home visiting nursing services. The study aims to add to the body of knowledge on community nursing retention strategies available to nurses in leadership positions in both community nursing provider services and also regional and national bodies influencing workforce development. It will be of particular significance in the context of NHS England but have relevance more broadly in other countries where home visiting nursing exists.
Exploring the relationship between cultural and structural workforce issues and the retention of nurses working in general practice: A qualitative study
Dr Helen Anderson, University of York
The research aims to understand underpinning factors which challenge retention and identify factors which support nurses to stay in general practice and strengthen retention.
Current projects
How people living with dementia and their relatives perceive and use resilient strategies to optimise safety whilst living at home
Dr Richard Clibbens, South West Yorkshire NHS Trust
Using a Safety II approach, the research aims to understand the processes of resilience that people living with dementia and their families use which ‘work well’ in enabling them to live at home safely despite the presence of safety issues or concerns.
An exploratory study to investigate how Registered Learning Disability Nurses (RN(LD)s) working in England and Wales have adapted their practice during Covid-19?
Dr Stacey Rees, University of South Wales
The overall aim of the study is to explore how Registered Learning Disability Nurses have adapted their practice to meet the changing needs of people with learning disabilities in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, the impact this has had and the lessons that can be learnt from the development of practice during this period.
The experiences of executive Directors of Nursing in the wake of Covid 19: identifying priorities and actions for recovery and future learning from the pandemic
Dr Alison James, University of Cardiff
Directors of Nursing (DoN) often have lead responsibility at executive Board level for key elements of the care quality and patient safety agenda, such as nurse staffing levels, infection control and patient experience. This study aims to produce empirical evidence identifying effective nurse executive leadership strategies during the COVID-19 pandemic, and provide recommendations for strengthening the nurse executive role in the future.
Learning from community nurses’ perspectives of taking on extended clinical roles in end-of-life care during Covid 19. A qualitative focus group study
Dr Ben Bowers, University of Cambridge
The aims of this study are to understand community nurses’ perspectives of taking on extended clinical roles in end-of-life care during the pandemic and to identify what has been helpful, unhelpful or requires improvement in these extended roles. Outcomes should inform priority areas for supporting and further developing community nurses’ extended clinical roles in end-of-life care.
Improving nursing care delivery of pain management to children through engagement with nurses, parents and children
Professor Joan Simons, The Open University
Currently there are a number of well researched guidelines (APA 2012, RCN 2009) focussed on improving the management of children’s pain, however, the prevalence of pain remains high. This study aims to identify previously unarticulated views that currently hinder parents and children being involved in a child’s pain care, to promote more effective management of children’s pain in hospital.
The GNCT funds nurse-led research projects that examine an aspect of nursing policy and practice. Calls for grant applications are made annually, with a specified closing date and specific focus each year.
Our most recent or current call details can be found on the Grants information page.